Sunday, December 9, 2018 at 9 AM – 12 PM
Celebrate the holidays with family and friends at the Holiday Helpers 5K/1Mile Fun Run! Holiday attire is encouraged – there are even awards for the best dressed. All participants receive a long-sleeve shirt, finisher medal and chip timing. Stick around after for FREE beer or hot chocolate, food, awards, and a $5 showing of Polar Express @ O'Neil Cinemas…it may end up being the least stressful day of the holiday season!
$30 until November 30
$35 at packet pickup on race day
$15 until November 30,
$20 at packet pickup on race day
Kids/Students are welcome to participate in either race for $10, but will not receive a race shirt (they will receive a finisher medal). Please use the “Kids/Students– No Shirt” category to register. If you would like your child to receive a shirt, please register them in the regular 5k category.
*There are no refunds of entry given or transfers of entry permitted for this event
Pre-Race Pickup:
Friday, December 7th, 2018, 9A-2P
Littleton Parks and Recreation
33 Shattuck Street, Littleton MA, 01460
Race Day:
O'Neil Cinema Lobby starting at 7:30AM
PLEASE NOTE: Please be advised that at all packet pick-ups prior to race day, a note of permission will be required to pick up someone else's packet. We appreciate your cooperation with this.
• Long sleeve Gildan Performance Tech t-shirts are guaranteed to the first 150 participants registered, (availability and sizes cannot be guaranteed for those registering after November 23rd).
• Finisher medal that can double as a holiday ornament (guaranteed to the first 250 registrants)
• Disposable chips will be used to generate race results
• A personalized “timing slip” for each finisher with time and place results
• Food and Beverage will be available for spectators.
• Free Beer /Hot chocolate and other refreshments and random prize giveaways from event sponsors
• Restrooms are available inside O’Neil Cinemas, and plenty of on-site parking is available as well. All pre-race and post-race activities will be INSIDE!
• Water will be available on the 5k course, and course marshals will direct racers at all turns.
• $5 movie tickets to the 2pm showing of Polar Express for runners and their families!
The 5K course begins at O’Neil Cinemas and travels through on a loop through The Point and adjacent neighborhood before returning to the starting area for the finish.
The course is entirely on paved and crushed gravel surfaces. For safety reasons wheeled devices (with the exception of wheelchairs) are not allowed on the course. Jogging strollers are permitted, but we ask that you start in the back of the pack so that your stroller does not create a tripping hazard. In order to hear instructions from course marshals and safety personnel during the event we STRONGLY discourage the use of headphones.
Top 3 overall males and females in each age group as follows:
10 and under
11-14, 15-19, 20-39, 40-59, 65+
First male and female runners to finish the course in a complete Santa costume (red long sleeve shirt/jacket, red pants, beard, and hat). These costumes do not need to be shopping mall quality, but red running shorts are NOT pants
The first 250 registrants 5K/1Mile are guaranteed to receive a Holiday Helpers medal that can double as an ornament!
We have plenty of volunteering opportunities. This is a great opportunity to get community service hours for school! Please call the PRCE office, 978.542490, and register to volunteer.
Holiday Helpers is a community assistance program run by the Littleton Parks, Recreation, and Community Education Department. This is our 10th year of the Holiday Help Gift Giving Program. 100% of race proceeds and donations go directly toward providing local children’s' needs and wish lists for this upcoming holiday season. Thank you for your generosity!
The safety of the Holiday Helpers 5K/1Mile Fun Run participants is of the utmost importance. Our hope is to run this event will be held rain, snow, or shine! If any of the threatening weather conditions listed below are present the day of the event, the event may be delayed or canceled. When weather conditions or other physical conditions present a danger to participants, Littleton PRCE / Town officials maintain the right to cancel the event. Less threatening conditions may cause alterations of the course or the post-event activities to ensure participant, volunteer, and community safety. Such conditions fall under the label “Acts of God,” and will not result in refunding of any race entry fees. A household credit will be applied to your MyRec household account.
Threatening Weather Conditions
The Holiday Helpers 5K/1Mile Fun Run may be canceled or delayed if any of the following weather conditions exist: Snow, Ice, Thunderstorms, “Heavy” Rain, Tornado or other major weather conditions.
Start of the Race / Cancellation of the Event
The start of the event may be delayed one hour from the posted start time if any of the above mentioned conditions exist. The event may then be canceled if any of the weather conditions persist.
Authority to Cancel the Event
The Race Director, Tim Michalski, in accordance with the town and the local law enforcement, has the authority to cancel the event. If threatening weather conditions force cancellation of the event, no refunds can be provided, since funds were already spent in preparation for race day. In the event of cancellation, all Holiday Helpers 5K/1Mile Fun Run participants will receive an email with information on how they can still receive their participant race kit.
Broadcast of Cancellation
If event is canceled, we will notify all participants by email. A cancellation post will be made on the Littleton PRCE Website, Facebook, and Twitter pages, as well.